Friday, 21 October 2022

High-end Matrimonial Sites for Ultra-Rich class

 It is quite a common tendency in arranged marriages to maintain the class or status between the two families. Actually, it is quite beneficial because it reduces chances of conflict or arguments either between families or couples. Priya Shah the Matchmaker , Jeevansathi, or Bharat Matrimony has number of elite and high-end clients who have several specificities and preferences. Especially elite matrimonial bureaus like Priya Shah has a rich history and experience with high end clients. She has always been highly successful in finding perfect life partners for potential grooms and brides from families of doctors, engineers, chartered accountants, business owners or industrialists. 

  1. Services in India and abroad – It is quite often found in ultra rich families that the children are settled abroad while the family is back in India or the origin country. For those, Priya Shah visits the potential bride or groom in person and know their selection or preferences in detail before taking the task of finding a match for them. Besides, she also operates in US, Canada, UK, Australia, Africa, Dubai and Singapore. Thus, she has an enriched experience of working with people from various backgrounds such as – Gujarati, Marwari, Maheshwari, Jain etc. 

  2. Get to know each other – Being an elite matrimonial bureau, she understands the nuances of matchmaking. The process of matchmaking should not be hurried, rather each step should be taken carefully and thoughtfully. Although the policies of matchmaking are reformed every year in accordance to the changes of age and generation, the basics are kept constant. None of the elite matrimony agencies encourage chatting on the internet for a few days and then sending a proposal of marriage in a hurry. Grooms and brides often do not take enough time to know each other, thereby resulting in failed marriages or worse, divorce. Thus, taking ample time to know each other is encouraged. Finding time to get to know a complete stranger and communicating is important. 

  3. Personal meetings – Even through elite matrimonial websites, finding the perfect match is not always easy. However, with an expert mediator like Priya Shah, one can trust to find the most suitable match. She encourages families to get involved and resort to an arranged love marriage, which is the trend nowadays. Everyone wants their partner to be well cultured, educated, understanding, supportive etc. However, special preferences such as – fitness freak or a reader are also made. Similarity in choices, style of living, high educational background are few demands that are met with dexterity. After all, you want to find the man/woman of your dreams and an experienced matchmaker like hers only appreciate it. 

  4. NRI services – It is quite common for high end families with ultra rich background to seek for potential bride and groom who has a rich cultural heritage and is truly Indian. NRIs often come back from abroad and take the help of matchmakers to find them highly educated, handsome/beautiful Indian partners with similar/specific choices. Another important criteria for them is that, the partner should be willing to settle abroad. Sometimes, Priya Shah also encourages people like these to meet partners from their current country of residence who are Indians. This helps in preserving the Indian culture while also understand what it means for an Indian to live abroad.

High end brides or grooms find their perfect matches with Priya Shah and lead successful marriages. 

Friday, 14 October 2022

What Is an IGBC-Certified Green Home and Its Benefits?

By 2030, the nation will have 68 cities with over a million people, 13 cities with over 4 million people and 6 megacities with 10 million or more people, according to the Ministry of Urban Development. This information shows that there will be a rise in the need for housing in the near future. This rise in demand will also cause people to use more energy and water. The only way to meet this need is to use green home ideas in the residential sector and make sure that growth in the future is sustainable.

What Is a Green Home Certified by the IGBC?

Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) green home is the first rating system in India that was made just for homes. This rating programme is a way for architects and designers to use green ideas and principles to make new buildings less harmful to the environment.

The programme tries to find a good balance between old ways of doing things and new green ideas. IGBC home criteria let people build buildings that are sustainable over the course of their whole lives. The IGBC green building certification takes into account the need for the housing industry to make smart steps toward sustainable living so that future generations can enjoy a better world.

Benefits of Living in a Green Home Certified by the IGBC

It is widely known that environmentally friendly houses come with a plethora of benefits, both tangible and intangible. Those who make the decision to invest in a green home now will see the value of their investment doubled by a factor that is significantly higher than is the case with normal homes. Not just it is beneficial for the environment if you live in a green home, but it's also better for you, the resident.

The following is a list of some upsides that green homes have:

·   Water conservation

·   Energy conservation

·   Waste management system

·   Wonderful daylighting

·   Conservation of rare natural resources

·   Lower energy bills

IGBC Green Homes in the Future

Many green building materials, technologies and pieces of equipment are constantly being made available on the market in preparation for their use in the construction of green homes. Continuous revisions to the IGBC rating programme are absolutely necessary if it is to remain relevant in the face of the ongoing development and dissemination of innovative environmentally friendly technology as well as certified green products. Each house that has been awarded an IGBC certification has been constructed in accordance with the latest developments and modifications in green technology. It is highly recommended that homebuyers invest in a green home because these rewards come in the form of reduced electricity bills, reduced water bills and lower medical bills due to a healthier lifestyle.

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